The main reason why people need #MondayMotivation. #TuesdayMotivation… And why this is important in your marketing…

Dan #FutureOfWork Sodergren
4 min readNov 7, 2017

Heading back to work after a week off for half term and I am excited to be going back. After chatting to people yesterday about this — I am quite alone…

Lots of people don’t like their jobs. Or work in general. See above…

So why am I any different?

And what’s this to do with marketing?

But before we answer this…

It’s worth thinking about why do people work anyway? And if the robots are coming for our jobs sooner than we think. Why would we care anyway? Because working with un-engaged people is really boring, makes work harder and is really bad for your mental health! I am sure of it!

And we will be working with humans for at least ten more years… so…

Which category do you fit into below? Which one do you want to fit into?

In the end — some people just don’t like working — why might that be?

Two reasons — which are nicely tied to marketing.

One they might not have a personal purpose which is part and parcel of having a why. And the other is knowing / having a powerful narrative around the company / organisation they work for.

So do you have a purpose?

Many people think this is crazy talk. That we don’t really have a why. That it’s a made-up feeling. Which it is. Partly. It’s also something — that marketing people would be clever to align with. It might only be a feeling but marketing is all about feelings.

My personal purpose is to help as many people start and succeed with their own business as possible. I do this by helping people with start up marketing. I do things like training sessions and webinars. Am doing one today as part of my new commitment. To #MarketingMonday. To European / Global Entrepreneurship.

But I wouldn’t do ANY of this without my WHY.

Do you have a why?

My why is a partly my daughter and my own believe in self-actualisation. An idea that for me to be the very best version of me — I have to help other people succeed. By doing so I add value, I change myself and we change the world together. A world that will be a better place for my daughter to live.

How is this something that we can market? Perhaps we can’t BUT…

Does your business / organisation have a why?

And do you know it?

I am lucky as I work with UTC@MediaCityUK which has a very strong WHY. Our why is to help create the next generation of talent for the creative and digital industries. We help develop the skills today for the world of tomorrow. That’s what gets me excited. That and helping them think about starting their own businesses.

But what’s your companies WHY? What should you “market” on? Or get social about? Talk about. Inspire your customers with etc, etc…

If you start with your why you will never run out of things to talk about.

Your marketing will be 100% better.

By using emotions and being real. You do the best guerrilla marketing. You start marketing without marketing. Does it work? Being real resonates with people — people buy into why you do what you do. Not how or what you do.

But the WHY you do it. People buy into a brand’s values.

Steve Jobs knew this. And now so do you.

What about your story?

People need a strong and interpersonal narrative to work for you. This is the modern world. Money doesn’t motivate like it used to.

Neither does BS.

And as for YOUR marketing. As this article is for #MarketingMonday after all.

Remember happy staff are a hugely important marketing tool. So are the happy customers that come from happy staff.

But how do we get happy staff?

Give them all a feeling — a sense of purpose. Give them your why. Give them a reason to be in work beyond the money. And they will bounce back into work.

They will give their all. They inspire your customers. Who in turn — will do your marketing for you.

Remember people don’t believe adverts anymore. But they do believe their friends.

What do you think? Am I right?

Does purpose and having a why have anything to do with the power of your message and your marketing?

Have your say below.



Dan #FutureOfWork Sodergren

#PublicSpeaker #TedxTalk #KeynoteSpeaker talks on the #FutureOfWork #Tech and #AI. Expert / guest on national TV / Radio and podcasts. Co-founder of YourFLOCK